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The Snorting Cat

You wandered down a strange dark alley way…
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You start to feel uneasy, maybe it’s not too late to go back ?
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“You got any crack????!” said the snorting cat. The cat is looking at you with a dangerous desperation…
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I’m looking for the sorting hat, I heard it was this way
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“I’m the snorting cat, but don’t try to wear me like a hat!” said the fat cat on crack. “So you want to know what kind of person you are… ok mack” said the slack cat that acts as the map plotting your track
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“I will ask you some questions, just answer them honestly. There are no wrong answers… unless you’re an Academic” said the cat ready to clap the next hack
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Great ! You met the Snorting Cat already, isn’t he a delight ? I know… he’s got a bit of an attitude, but he’s way better than an old hat at determining who you are ! Maybe you’ll find out that you’re an engineer just like me !
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I hope for your sake that you aren’t an “Academic”… Good luck…
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You read the following negative review:

“Why introduce a character’s moral dilemma if it’s going to be resolved in such a hasty and unconvincing manner? It’s like they’re just checking off boxes without any regard for the integrity of the characters or the overarching message.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following negative review:

“An epic showdown between good and evil, and yet it feels like we’ve seen it all before. The plot takes no risks, offering nothing new or thought-provoking.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following negative review:

“A film that had the potential to delve deep into emotional complexities but instead rushes to make room for the next action sequence.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following negative review:

“Despite its grand scale, the film leaves too many questions unanswered, as if it’s more concerned with setting up future installments than delivering a complete, coherent narrative.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following positive review:

“I loved how the main character grew by the end of the film when they made their final decision.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following positive review:

“Forget the usual tropes; this one keeps you guessing until the very end.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following positive review:

“The film takes risks, diving into emotional arcs that are both surprising and deeply satisfying.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You read the following positive review:

“The film delivers on its promises, tying up every loose end.”
How do you feel after reading this short review?

I want to watch this movie !
This movie sounds terrible !
I’ll keep searching for reviews

You are excited about two new movies !

Two movies are releasing on the same day but you only have time to watch one…
  • One is a horror film full of scares and thrills and tragedy for the characters, like Final Destination, Friday the 13th, Saw etc.
  • The other is a biopic about an interesting person full of inspirational moments, like Catch me if you can, The Social Network, Elvis, etc

Pay $20 to watch the horror film
Pay $20 to watch the biopic

You are excited about two new movies !

Two movies are releasing on the same day but you only have time to watch one…

Watch the movie about the origin of humanity
Watch the movie by an obscure director about the

Story Crimes Academic!

You are primarily a Story Crimes Academic. As a Story Crimes Academic:
  • You enjoy a variety of stories
  • You could be satisfied reading a dictionary !

You also lean towards Story Crimes Engineer!

Story Crimes Engineers:
  • Like character driven stories
  • Like stories with a purpose

Story Crimes Engineer!

Welcome to the squad, you are a Story Crimes Engineer! As a Story Crimes Engineer:
  • You like character driven stories
  • You like stories with a purpose
  • You better get used to green and orange because that’s all Story Crimes Engineers are allowed to wear !

Story Crimes Engineer!

Welcome to the squad, you are a Story Crimes Engineer! As a Story Crimes Engineer:

  • You like character driven stories
  • You like stories with a purpose
  • You better get used to green and orange because that’s all Story Crimes Engineers are allowed to wear !

If you have an account, you can represent the Story Crimes Gang of Engineers by setting your avatar on your account page!

Story Crimes Academic!

You are primarily a Story Crimes Academic. As a Story Crimes Academic:

  • You enjoy a variety of stories
  • You could be satisfied reading a dictionary !

If you have an account, you can represent the Story Crimes by setting your avatar on your account page!

You also lean towards Story Crimes Engineer!

Story Crimes Engineers:

  • Like character driven stories
  • Like stories with a purpose
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